The 1st piece of this movie is a documental on the adults-only enjoyment business prevelent in London's Soho District. The 2nd highlights the studies and hardships of a troubled photographer, his unhappy wife, and their good friend Emmanuelle, because they try making it big time in Soho. They consider their ticket to success will appear by blackmailing a rich xxx video baron...(机译)这部电影的第一部分是对成年人只享受的企业在伦敦的苏豪区普遍以文献。第二强调了研究和陷入困境的摄影师,他不幸的妻子,以及他们的好朋友艾曼纽的艰辛,因为他们试图使其大的时间在苏豪区。他们认为自己的票,成功将出现敲诈丰富XXX视频男爵。