纽镇女孩 第一季




导演:Julie Kalceff,Emma Keltie

Scarlet is a girl determined to find true love in the quirky queer scene of Newtown. If she could only figure out what it is she really wants! The Newtown Girls is a 10 part dramedy web series in which Scarlet must delve into the depths of dating drama in order to find her true soulmate. Scarlet returns to the ‘scene’ after years of absence to confront the typically-lesbian obstacles of ex-girlfriends, fashion faux pas, romantic advances from authority figures and a complicated relationship with her long-time best friend, Alex. Will Scarlet find what she is looking for or will pretending to be someone she isn’t result in her losing everything? The Newtown Girls shies away from the political-driven narrative to explore the universality of love and friendship and takes the audience on a journey through the quirkiness of queer communities and into a collective appreciation of the human condition. And we hope you’ll laugh a little too!

纽镇女孩 第一季全集在线观看


《纽镇女孩 第一季》剧情介绍

影片名称:纽镇女孩 第一季






影片主演:Debra Ades,Renee Lim,Kate Austin,Kylie Watson

资源类别:纽镇女孩 第一季全集






电视剧《纽镇女孩 第一季》免费版全集在线观看由麻瓜影院提供,本作品又名《纽镇女孩 第一季电视剧》,剧中分别由Debra Ades,Renee Lim,Kate Austin,Kylie Watson等主演,,是电视剧类中一部很不错的影片,值得各位沙雕网友娱乐观看,如果觉得不错还可以分享给你的朋友一起看哦...

Scarlet is a girl determined to find true love in the quirky queer scene of Newtown. If she could only figure out what it is she really wants! The Newtown Girls is a 10 part dramedy web series in which Scarlet must delve into the depths of dating drama in order to find her true soulmate. Scarlet returns to the ‘scene’ after years of absence to confront the typically-lesbian obstacles of ex-girlfriends, fashion faux pas, romantic advances from authority figures and a complicated relationship with her long-time best friend, Alex. Will Scarlet find what she is looking for or will pretending to be someone she isn’t result in her losing everything? The Newtown Girls shies away from the political-driven narrative to explore the universality of love and friendship and takes the audience on a journey through the quirkiness of queer communities and into a collective appreciation of the human condition. And we hope you’ll laugh a little too!

《纽镇女孩 第一季》影片评论

麻瓜影院 - 努力让找电影变得简单



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